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Sickle Cell

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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Sickle Cell
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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

Kokeile ilmaiseksi!

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Hey Mr. Ryan I don't feel so good and I can't really see that well can I go to the nurse?
  • Yes of course Jason go with and have Stacy walk you there.
  • Are you OK?
  • Hi Mrs. Brown I was in gym class and I started feeling really sick like I could faint. Also over the past few days I have been feeling the same symptoms of blurred vision, headaches, and I feel really warm I was wondering if you could help
  • Ok thank you.
  • Of course Jason, I will be calling your parents so they can take you to the doctor and also you have a fever of 103.5
  • I am going to take you to the doctor to see what is happening just drink some water and relax ok.
  • Ok mom thank you.
  • Jason is in gym class and he isn't feeling well during class. His vision starts to blur, getting a headache, and his hands and feet have been swelling. He asks his teacher Mr. Ryanif he could go to the nurse's office and his friend Stacy offers to take him.
  • Ok thank you doctor.
  • My symptoms include blurred vision, headaches, high fever, swelling of hands and feet, and I have gotten sick a lot recently
  • Ok Jason I will start preparing the equipment we need to give you a blood test keep in mind it will take a couple days so we will prescribe you pain medication until then.
  • Jason goes to the nurse's office and describes to her what symptoms he is feeling. Blurred vision, headaches, high fever, swelling of hands and feet. The nurse after hearing this calls his parents and tells them to come get him and take him to the doctor since he has been feeling like this for a little bit.
  • How are you feeling Jason
  • I am feeling a lot better now! 
  • Sickle cell anemia is a trait passed through bloodlines. This is why if anyone in your immediate family has it you should test your child while they are still a newborn to administer aid quickly. Jason's mom is taking him to the doctor to see if her suspicions are true.
  • Yes I am thank you for asking!
  • Hey Jason are you feeling better?
  • That's good I'm glad!
  • Sickle cell anemia is a passed down trait. Typically babies will get a screening if the trait is closely related. However you can get tested at any age. There are many different ways to test for Sickle Cell anemia through blood test, newborn screening, they will also do a stroke screening as well for futureprevention. Treatment includesdifferent types of medications such hydroxyurea, blood transfusions, and stem-cell transplant.
  • Dr. Robot my son has been experiencing many symptoms of sickle cell anemia and I wanted him to get blood tested. Also Just for further background we do have the trait in our bloodline.
  • Jason is staying home from school while he lets the medication take effect. They also want him to take it easy because of his diagnosis. They prescribed him medication and in three weeks he will go back to the doctor to do more tests.
  • A couple of days later Jason starts feeling better and started taking a medication called Voxelotor (Oxbryta) taken by ages 12 and up. For more information about Sickle cell anemia and sickle cell in general visit sicklecelldisease.org
  • Feel like you're gonna faint get your blood tested todayFor more information visit sicklecelldisease.org
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