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Government Officials and Army

Nobility: Wealthy Landowners and Scholars

Peasants: Farmers, Artisans, and Merchants

Enslaved People

Social Structure of Ancient China

Responsibilities of Women in Ancient China:

  • Taking care of children
  • Taking care of house
  • Wife

Rights of Women in Ancient China:

  • Little rights to property
  • No right to divorce unless husband misbehaved.
  • Overall very few rights.

At the top of Ancient China's social hierarchy, there was the Emperor and his family and they were the most respected people, they used to rule the colony and lived in very high conditions. Followed by the Emperors were the Government Officials and Army who were wealthy landowners and scholars who all lived in decent condition. After them were the peasants who were of low status and in poor condition, these included farmers, artisans, and merchant. The last on the hierarchy are the slaves, they had very bad condition and no rights or freedom at all. They were treated very poorly and were forced to do tasks assigned by their owner. They were also traded among slave owners.

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