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rhinotillexomania court case

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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rhinotillexomania court case
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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • EWWW
  • AHH
  • you have been served
  • I plea not guilty
  • And Jeremy remain not guilty
  • A Man, Jeremy, publicly began picking his nose which caused a lady, Marissa, emotional distress and fear of her life in the times of Covid for she was Immunol compromised. She felt that Jeremy was purposely endangering her.
  • Jeremy is not guilty
  • Marrissa, the plaintiff, brought her complaint to a lawyer named Ryan Bragate. Ryan then sent a summoner to Jeremy, the defendant's, home where he is asked to appear before the state court
  • yay
  • Jeremy is not guilty
  • CIRCUIT COURT: Marrissa and Jeremy appear before the court. Following Jeremy's plea of not guilty, the judge concludes with his verdict of Jeremy in fact remaining not guilty. Marrissa, being her confident and ambitious self, appeals for she is not satisfied with the State Court's verdict.
  • COURT OF APPEALS: Once again the verdict of this case is that Jeremy is not guilty, in which case, Marrissa feels the need to appeal once more.
  • SUPREME COURT: The last and final verdict, made by the state Supreme court has shown that Jeremy is most definitely not guilty because picking the nose is a personal liberty issue that won't directly hurt anybody.
  • So the city people of Chicago continued picking away in peace.
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