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Blood donation system

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Blood donation system
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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Save LifeDonate BloodBlood Donation Campaign
  • We have to conduct blood donation on coming Friday.
  • Save LifeDonate BloodBlood Donation Campaign
  • Sir, we can use "Blood donation website " and centrally keep records of their donors and receivers.
  • Home Login Contact
  • Save LifeDonate Blood
  • Blood Donation Management System
  • Donor Registration
  • Register
  • Request Blood
  • Request
  • This is the sample of our website Boss.
  • Boss and HR discussing about blood donation campaign.
  • My name is Cole Sprouse.Blood group is O-ve.
  • Save LifeDonate Blood
  • Home Login Contact
  • Blood Donation Management System
  • HR explaining and giving idea about blood donation campaign.
  • We are collecting your blood now. Thank You for donating blood .
  • HR using the website.
  • Save LifeDonate Blood
  • Home Login Contact
  • Registered
  • Boss the donor's details has been successfully registered on the website.
  • Employee dictating their details and registering to the website.
  • Employee donating Blood.
  • Donor's details stored on the website . Admin can now search for active donors in patient's vicinity (neighborhood).
Yli 30 miljoonaa kuvakäsikirjoitusta luotu