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The Story of The Diligent and The Lazy Girl

Luo Kuvakäsikirjoitus
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The Story of The Diligent and The Lazy Girl
Storyboard That

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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • First
  • The Old Dried Tree
  • The Vineyard Tree
  • The Broken Mud Oven
  • Old Well
  • The Dirty Little Dog
  • The Fairies House
  • The Reward
  • The reward of helping
  • The story about diligent girl and the lazy girl. One day her stepmom kicked Dilligent girl out of the house, the stepmom told her don't come untill you earned some money, she was upset but she still tried to make her family happy so she went to earn some money for the family
  • As she was walking she saw an Old Dried Tree, She stopped and came by to the tree, the tree said Little girl where are you going? the girl said Im going to a wealthy house to earn some money! the tree asked her a favor before you go could you please take off dried twigs and sticks from me . The Dilligent girl said Yes, of course and she carefully take off the sticks and the twigs, after she done that she goes on her journay
  • Then she walked past the Vineyard tree and the Vineyard tree asked her Girl, where are you going? She replied I'm going to a wealthy house to earn some money! The tree asked her a favor before you go can you please take off the twigs off me? The Dilligent girl said without hesitation Sure and she carefully climbed on the tree and take off the twigs off from the Vine tree after she done that she went to continue her journey
  • She stumbled on a broken mud on her way to a wealthy house and that day she saw a broken mud. The broken mud has dirt around him and it was upset. The broken called her Young girl, where are you going? The Dilligent girl said im going to a wealthy house to earned some money! The broken Mud asked her a favor to help it fix the oven. She then agreed and set to work. she didn't mind the mud covered on her. after she done she continued on her journey.
  • She met an Old Well on her journey. The well wanted her to clean the well and The dilligent girl nod and went to clean the well, she use the brush and the water from the well and she scrub the dirt and mud off the well. She went to continue on her journey with patient
  • When she continued her journey she saw a dog asking for help and then dog ask her to wash her fur and the Diligent girl said of course and then she took the dog to the river and washed the dog and cut the long fur from tthe dog neck. After she done, she went continue her journey.
  • Finally she found a house but its a fairy house she tried to see if there anyone in there she tried to open the door but it isn't lock so she came in and saw 5 fairies in the house and the fairy said What are you doing here little girl? The Diligent girl said iIcame by to work here to earn some money. She asked the fairy if she could stay and the fairy said you can stay here for a year, but there a one rule do not come to the seventh room and then the diligent girl went to work and then she clean all the six rooms but she never enter the seventh room.
  • One year has past, the fairy ask her to follow her to the room and then the girl went in and she saw the room filled with gold and silvers the fairy said You can take all the golds and silvers with you The girl did as she told she pick up all the golds with her she slept in the room for one night. The next morning she woke up she went to back home with golds and silvers to surprise to her family.
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