The next morning at breakfast, Jonas found the way to avoid lying while not telling his dream to his parents.
The dream involved his sled downhill, over and over, always on the verge of reaching something at the bottom, yet he doesn't know what that something is. However, he knows that it is something good, something "cozy"
Its time to go to school. On lunch everyone is talking about their new assigments and their training. Jonas realizes that he couldn't talk about his training even if he were allowed, since no one knows what a hill, snow or a sled is anyway.
Later, Jonas was talking with Fiona. It was clear that she wants him to talk about his training. But she cant ask it directly becuase it would be rude. So she talks about her training to work with the elderly. However, Jonas did not mention his training. Suddenly Jonas saw that the Fiona's hair started to change.
When he arrives at The Giver's place after school, Jonas decides to ask him about the changing color apple and the hair of Fiona. The giver wants to know if Jonas looked down at the sled when he was experiencing the memory. Jonas says no, because he didn't. ~This is a case of his seeing beyond said The giver; the same thing happened to me when i was Jonas's age,~
The giver makes Jonas lie down and tells him to recall the memory of the snow from the other day. he telled him to remember the Fiona’s hair and the apple. The giver set to him to look up to the books and suddenly Jonas started seeing red...
The Giver then confirms his diagnosis: "You're beginning to see the color red," he tells Jonas.