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Genesis 1.1-2.4 Storyboard.

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Genesis 1.1-2.4 Storyboard.
Storyboard That

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Luo oma kuvakäsikirjoitus

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • The First day
  • Let there be Light!!
  • On the first day god created the earth, separated light from darkness and created time. He saw light was good and made night and day.
  • God made a dome to separate the waters midst the earth, with the waters in the sky. God called this dome the "sky."
  • The Second day
  • The Third day
  • God gathered all of the waters of the sky, he called these seas. He made dry land which he called earth. God said that this was good and he put forth seeds for every type of vegetation. God let the lights in the dome make days, weeks, and years. he let the two lights rule, the lesser one during the night.
  • The Fourth day
  • God let the waters send forward all living animals, and birds to rule the sky. God created great sea monsters. God created everything that moves, god saw this was good and he blessed them.
  • The Fifth day
  • God let Cattle, and anything that crawls and god saw that was good, he blessed them along with the sea monsters and birds.
  • God saw animals were good, so god created mankind in the image of got and blessed them. "let them be fruitful and multiply and rule the animals"
  • The Sixth day.
  • On the seventh day God saw everything was created and he blessed and cherished the last day. He rested on the seventh day.
  • The seventh day
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