Elizabeth is the main character she is a round character because the character is smart and creative. She is a dynamic character because she don't stay in the same she change her mind about how princess she looks and dress like . she doesn't want the prince any more.
''A dragon smashed her castle, burned all her clothes with his fiery breath, and carried off prince Ronald .''
The dragon flat because the character is strong but not very smart. static the character stay in the same.
''The dragon stuck his nose out of the door and said ''well a princess! i love to eat princes, but i have already eaten a whole castle today.
''well a princes! i love to eat princess, but i have already eaten a whole castle today''
That it is better being alone than with a person who only loves her when she is very well dressed.
The author use is imagery because the book show picture and the character and create details.
the author use is personification because the dragon can speak.