King George III draws a line on a map of the colonies and says Colonists can’t move past it and the rest was for the Native Americans
Boston Massacre
The British government put a tax on the Americans that says they must pay for a Stamp on important papers. Americans protest by burning stamps, destroying newspapers, and rioting.
Boston Tea party
In this the guy is telling him that he has to take care on this guard now
Coercive/Intolerable Acts
In this scene, British soldiers in Boston shoot and kill 5 people in Boston on March 5, 1770. A large crowd of colonists was threatening British soldiers and after panicking or being hit, the soldiers shot into the crowd.
In the scene, People in Boston were mad about a Tea tax so they went on to ships and dumped Tea into the Harbor.
In this scene people are sad that the - British Government punishes Boston for the Boston Tea Party. They don’t let Boston ship goods in and out which destroys their businesses.