cartoon about the document Community-level environmental projects as learning tools for planners: a case study of graduate planning students
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a case study of graduate planning students
Hello, welcome my name is Marisol, to present comunity -level enviromental projets learning tools for planer
there is little research on Environmental Education (EE) in the context of urban planning curricula
This study follows graduate planning students’ learning experience during group projects assigned as part of a planning course at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
we invite you to meet him,
These participatory projects, characterized as project-based learning and service learning, took place in several communities in Israel
The main goal of this research is to understand the contribution of such practical, hands-on project exercises to the course curriculum for inculcating environmental education themes
Findings indicate that projects helped students acquire and/or improve professional tools. They enhanced motivation to consider environmental concerns in their work
and in some cases changed students’ personal environmental behavior.