Študenti lahko v časovni premici ponazorijo zgodovino Illinoisa in izpostavijo pomembne dogodke od preddržavnosti do sodobnosti.
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Zgodovina Illinoisa
French explorers Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet claim Illinois land for France.
The British
Illinois became a state on December 3, 1818.
Britanski prevzeti zemljišča po njihovi francoski in indijske vojne zmage.
The Blackhawk War
Illinois je bila 21. država sprejet v Uniji, 3. decembra 1818.
The Great Chicago Fire
Ker vse več Evropejcev so prispeli, so bili prisiljeni indijanski plemen izseliti. Leta 1832 se je skupina Indijancev, ki jo je vodil vodja Sauka Black Hawk, vrnila v Illinois, da bi se borila za zemljo. V vojni Black Hawk jih je porazila ameriška vojska in bili prisiljeni še enkrat oditi.
One of the worst fires in US history was the Great Chicago Fire. It started in a small barn in south Chicago on October 8th, although no one is sure how. Because the buildings and homes were made of wood with flammable roofs, they caught fire easily. There had also been a long drought and the winds were strong and dry. It destroyed over 17,000 buildings and homes, leaving about 100,000 people homeless.
The Willis Tower
The Sears Tower, now known as the Willis Tower, was completed in 1973. It took 3 years and about 2,000 workers to complete the job.
Slika Pripisov: (https://pixabay.com/en/chicago-willis-tower-city-downtown-882411/) - nicole288 - Licenca: brezplačno za komercialno uporabo / ni potrebno dodeljevanje (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/ 1.0)