This is a fictional story where Alex & Ryan are trying to go to R.C.H.S to beat up rival gangs, bosses & evil Simon so that Ryan's girlfriend has time to finish her shopping.
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Cyndi Kidnapped!
Alex & Ryan's Journey !
Street Bossses
When Ryan's girlfriend named Cyndi was enjoying her alone time at Sherman Park the Dragon Twins showed up and Randy punched Cyndi in the stomach and carried her away. Now she's locked up in River City High's top floor and she's unable to finish her shopping.
Da 4 Zombies
We hate you!!!
After Cyndi was kidnapped by the dragon twins Ryan &Alex had to face a lot of street gangs such as the Generic Dudes, Frat Guys, Jocks, Home Boys, Mobs & the Squids.
R.C.H.S Bosses
After several gangs from the streets were decimated, Alex & Ryan have to face the street bosses such as Benny, Clyde, Moose & Rocko!
The End of Evil SIMON!
The 4 zombies are one of the toughest guys and they're tougher than anyone in the city!!! The members are Blade, Turk, Mojo & the head of the zombies named Thor.
Don't mess with us!!!
After Alex & Ryan defeated the street bosses, gangs and the 4 zombies it's now their turn to face River City High gangs & bosses including Simon. The gangs that are mostly inside or around R.C.H.S are the Plagues, Cowboys, Squids & the Internationals. The R.C.H.S bosses are Ivan, Otis, Tex, Randy & Andy & the Evil Simon.
Yo! No dirty shoes on my clean floor!!!
The Evil Simon has been defeated thanks to Alex & Ryan. Cyndi was rescued in time to finish her shopping. Weeks passed... The gangs returned back to school and became honor students! Yes River City is peaceful once again. Will there be another adventure? Nobody knew for certain. The next crew and chapter has already begun...