Pole tähtis, mida nad nimega William Shakespeare'i mängib ikkagi suurt kunstiteosed, nii ei pruugi see asi, mida me nimetame neid. Üldiselt küll, Shakespeare kirjutas kolme tüüpi mängib: Tragöödia, Komöödia, ja ajalugu. Need nimed aitab meil mõista arhetüübiotsinguga mängida ja paremini analüüsida oma üritusi. Lõppude lõpuks, komöödia Romeo ja Julia oleks väga erinevat mängu alates tragöödia Romeo ja Julia. Võib-olla oleks farss umbes kaks star-ületanud armastajad, hukule kannatavad humoorikas vigu identiteedi ja bumbling teenistujate. See ei oleks lugu häda me oleme kõik nii tuttav.
Henry V Shakespeare's History | Teaching Shakespearean histories
Süžeeskeem Tekst
Henry V
English History
Embellished Plot
The Battle of Agincourt (1415), a major turning point in the Hundred Years War, took place in Henry V's reign. This was an important event in British history because England and France were in a power struggle over the French crown.
When Shakespeare wrote the play, around 1599, England was engaged in a drawn out war with Spain. Queen Elizabeth I had no heir to succeed her. Shakespeare was possibly using this play to compare the past events of Henry V to contemporary England.
Although Shakespeare's histories were built on facts, not all parts were factual. Some characters were created simply for comedic relief, namely: Mistress Quickly, Pistol, and Bardolph, commoners with some connection to the King.
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