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hamlet act 1

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hamlet act 1
Storyboard That

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Proovige seda tasuta!

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • look sir- here it comes
  • oh angles protect us!
  • it wants you to go off with it , as if it wants to tell you something alone
  • look how politley its pointing you to a place thats far away. but dont go
  • its not going to speak so im following it
  • with his clevor words he, he seduced my seemingly virtuous queen persuading him to give into his lust
  • well hurry up and tell em so i can take revenge faster than a person falls in love
  • what?
  • you must be ready for revenge , too when you hear me out
  • Im the ghost of your father doomed for a certain time walked this Earth at night,while during the days im trapped in hell
  • hamlet sees the ghost for the first time
  • i knew it, my uncle?
  • Listen Hamlet everyone thought i died from the snake bite but that didnt happen, the man wearing the crown murdered me
  • the gost mothions hamlet to follow him
  • with his clevor words he, he seduced my seemingly virtuous queen persuading him to give into his lust
  • The ghost introduces himself and askes for revenge
  • Hamlets fathers ghost tells hamlet that his unlcle murdered him
  • The ghost is mad about how
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