Declaration of Independence Comic Strip
Leininger USHistory 2020
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A new government was necessary so the people would be treated equally and could have a say in making laws as was their God given right.
We need to change government!
So we can make fair laws
All men are created equal and are entitled by God to live, be free, own property and pursue happiness.
We want freedom!
We have a right to have a say!
Let's do it!
Government is established by the people and gets its power from the people and it protects their God given rights.
Power to the people!
No more oppresion!
All men are created equal and it is the right of the people to do away with a government that does not allow them to live free from tyranny and pursue happiness and freedom.
It is our responsibility to protect our rights
We will establish a country free from tyranny
We will declare our independence
The people list their complaints and grievances against the King in the Declaration of Indepence and deliver it to him.
The taxes are unfair!
The King prevents our laws
He burns our towns!
We are FREE!
The people declare their independence from Great Britain and established the 13 colonies as the United Stated of America.