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Power Comparison Template

Vaadake Tunniplaani
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Power Comparison Template
Storyboard That

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Leiate selle storyboard järgmistes esemed ja vahendid:

Kuidas Valmistuda Läbirääkimisteks

Autor Nathanael Okhuysen

See on meie go-to läbirääkimiste juhendi käsikirjade. Plaani oma järgmise läbirääkimiste äri vahendeid, nagu SWOT, Johari aken, BATNA ja rohkem. Kasutades käsikirjade teie ettevalmistamisel on kasulik jagada oma mõtteid kolleegidega ja kaaskodanike läbirääkijad.

Vaadake mõnda muud meie äriartiklit!

Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

A template for performing a power analysis of two negotiating parties

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Constructive
  • The capacity to provide something the other side wants.
  • [The strength of this power]
  • [Illustrate the most important aspect of this power]
  • [Party A]
  • [The strength of this power]
  • [Illustrate the most important aspect of this power]
  • [Party B]
  • Obstructive
  • [The source of this power]
  • [The strength of this power]
  • [The source of this power]
  • [The strength of this power]
  • The capacity to prevent the other side from getting something they want.
  • [Illustrate the most important aspect of this power]
  • [Illustrate the most important aspect of this power]
  • Walking
  • The capacity to leave the negotiation.
  • [The source of this power]
  • [The strength of this power]
  • [Illustrate the most important aspect of this power]
  • [The source of this power]
  • [The strength of this power]
  • [Illustrate the most important aspect of this power]
  • [The source of this power]
  • [The source of this power]
  • Normative
  • The capacity to sway the negotiation with arguments about fairness, or other normative values.
  • [The strength of this power]
  • [Illustrate the most important aspect of this power]
  • [The strength of this power]
  • [Illustrate the most important aspect of this power]
  • Collective
  • The capacity to enhance or augment another type of power by reaching out to individuals or groups outside the negotiation.
  • [The source of this power]
  • [The strength of this power]
  • [Illustrate the most important aspect of this power]
  • [The source of this power]
  • [The strength of this power]
  • [Illustrate the most important aspect of this power]
  • [The source of this power]
  • [The source of this power]
  • Personal
  • The capacity to enhance another sort of power through personal qualities.
  • [The strength of this power]
  • [Illustrate the most important aspect of this power]
  • [The strength of this power]
  • [Illustrate the most important aspect of this power]
  • [The source of this power]
  • [The source of this power]
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