Okay, so we need to present what Shintoism is for our world religion project. What exactly do we need to cover?
I think we should start with the basics. What Shintoism is? It is a Japanese religion right?
Yeah, it’s the indigenous religion of Japan. It’s not like other religions that have a holy book or a founder. It’s more about rituals and connecting with nature.
Libisema: 2
They do not really worship Gods in the way we think. Instead, they believe in Kami, which are spirits of deities that inhabit natural things like rivers, mountains, and trees.
Exactly, Kami can also be ancestors or even certain objects. Basically, everything in nature has a spirit that should be respected.
Libisema: 3
Yeah they visit shrines to pray, give offerings, and perform purifications rituals. You know, like washing their hands and mouth at a special fountain to cleanse themselves.
That is cool! So when people go to a Shinto Shrine, they are visiting the Kami?
And during festivals what do they call them again? Oh yeah, Matsuri people. It is like they are honoring the spirits and asking for blessings.