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Buddhism Storyboard

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Buddhism Storyboard
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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Siddhartha Gautama was born a prince in the worrier (Kshatriyas) caste in 563 B.C.E. His family there ruled a kingdom in Nepal. Siddhartha grew up in a life of wealth and privilege.
  • What is the meaning of life with all this suffering?
  • At the age of 29,  Siddhartha ventured out of the palace. He soon discovered human suffering. He left his the palace to live the life of a religious ascetic.
  • One day, as he sat under a Bodhi tree meditating, he achieved enlightenment. Whith this he has become the principal teachings of Buddhism and was given the name “Buddha”.
  • The EightFoldPath-WisdomRight understanding (of the 4 noble truths.Right thinking (following the right path in life).-VirtueRight speech (no lying, criticism, gossip, harsh language).Right Conduct (by following the 5 precepts).Right livelihood (support yourself without harming others.-ConcentrationRight effort (good thoughts, conquer evil thoughts)Rightmindfulness (be aware of body, mind, feelings)Right concentration (meditate to achieve higher consciousness)
  • Buddhists believe in reincarnation, the rebirth of the soul.-Karma;the idea that the soul carriers the effects of past deeds.-They believe in dharma, but for Buddhists, it represents the teachings of the Buddha.-Finally they believe people to be equal and able to achieve enlightenment;this is called nirvana.
  • Basic Beliefs
  • Tripitaka &The Four Noble Truths
  • Many of the Buddhist teachings are found in Tripitaka(three baskets of wisdom), the holy book, or the Sutras.Four Noble Truths1. Dukkha- All life is suffering.2.Samudaya- There is a cause for suffering.3.Nirodha-There is an end to suffering.4.Magga-In order to end suffering you must follow the eightfold path.
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