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Attributions D'image:

Beta lobe neurons ( - NICHD NIH - Licence: Attribution (

Use a Physical Model

Use a Diagram

Use a Film

Use Technology

Students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia may learn best through auditory and visual instruction. Ms. Darcy uses three dimensional models whenever possible to address the needs of tactile learners.

Ms. Darcy supplements text with images and diagrams to teach vocabulary. The diagram support the visual learners in her classroom. She uses bold font and high color contrast to support the learning of students with visual impairments.

Films are a great tool for the classroom that address various modes of learning. Ms. Darcy has found that some of her students with attentional difficulties respond well to videos, as do her auditory learners.

Some students learn best by exploring, reading and connecting independently to material. Ms. Darcy likes that the computers can be easily adapted to meet the needs of students with sensory disabilities.

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Identify the lobes of the brain and their function.

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Principle 1

Multiple Modes of Representation

Identify the lobes of the brain and their function.



The Human Brain

Frontal Lobe

Frontal Lobe


Parietal Lobe

Occipital Lobe






Identify the the lobes of the brain and their function.





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