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The Civil Rights Movement

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The Civil Rights Movement
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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • The Civil Rights Movement
  • The Civil Rights Movement Lasted over 200 years before we gained our rights
  • We were judged by the different colors of our skin
  • The Famous "I have a dream" speech
  • I have a dream, that one day, my four little children . . . .
  • YEAH!!! I agree with him!! Blacks should not sit there!!!
  • The Rosa Parks Bus Refusal
  • YOU THERE!!! Move out of the seat by the law!!!
  • NO I WILL NOT!!! I had enough of being pushed around because of my color
  • African Americans were not given equal rights because they were judged by their skin. Most of them became slaves.
  • Brown vs the Board of Eduaction
  • How come we have to walk like 2 miles to school?!
  • Martin Luther King Jr. spoke the famous "I have a dream" speech that spoke up for every African American telling then that they wished for equal rights.
  • The March on Washington
  • We will march all over Washington!!!!
  • We will not stop until our goal is achieved.
  • Rosa Parks bus refusal got her arrested, however, many African Americans were inspired by how she stood up for herself.
  • Equality
  • African Americans did not get to go to the same school as everyone else. In fact, they had to walk over 2 miles to reach school. They also had really bad schools.
  • They said it was by law we have to walk this long!!!!
  • Over 2,500 African Americans marched on Washing ton to gain equality. The March was the center of attention on television.
  • We will not Stop!!!
  • Well, now you know. It all lasted 200 years
  • Nowadays, you can find us in the same candy shop as everyone else!
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