The first seven days after Adam and Eve's arrival on earth - a story from The Urantia Book
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On the 2nd day, Adam and Eve learned more about the Lucifer rebellion and its result upon the world's progress.
Adam and Eve arrived on Urantia, from the year A.D. 1934, 37,848 years ago. It was in midseason when the Garden was in the height of bloom that they arrived.
The third day Adam and Eve looked down upon the vast stretches of the Garden, the most beautiful spot on earth, while being carried through the air on a large passenger bird
On the fourth day Adam and Eve spoke from the inaugural mount to the people concerning their plans for the rehabilitation of the world
The fifth day was occupied with the organization of the temporary government
The sixth day Adam and Eve viewed the animal life of the planet
It was near the dawn of their seventh day on earth that Adam and Eve pointed to the Father's temple and said: "Go you now to the material emblem of the Father's invisible presence and bow down in worship of him who made us all and who keeps us living. "