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Biology Project

Loo Süžeeskeemi
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Biology Project
Storyboard That

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

Due Thursday September 2nd

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Introduction
  • Hi, I'm Mr. CHEGGS. And I am here to tell you about what cycle what we wood frogs go through during the winter! Fun Fact: My name represents the eight things that help us through this cycle!
  • Information from CHUGGS
  • It gets very cold in the winter, and us wood frogs body can not keep up with the cold, so we preserve our (cells) by creating homemade anti-freeze, which our (genetic code) helps us do.
  • Information from CHUGGS
  • Throughout the years, us wood frogs have built up a lot of (metabolism), and with enough (evolution,) we were able to preserve our (cells )with anti-freeze during the winter! As we basically turn into a popsicle for the, we can't (grow or develope) anything for our bodies. 
  • CHEGGS the popsicle
  • It's getting to cold out (stimulus), so I am going to hide in a very safe spot to prepare my cycle (response).
  • Unfreeze the popsicle
  • Wow, I finally unfroze! That was a long winter! (Homeostasis) is starting to take a cycle, and I am very hungry, a fly does sound nice right now.
  • Things get steamy
  • Now, its time for me to find a mate so we can reproduce (reproduction)! 
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