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Social Studies: Interaction with Europeans and First Nations

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Social Studies: Interaction with Europeans and First Nations
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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • First Nation's Life Before European Arrival
  • European and First Nation's First Contact
  • Who are these creatures. They are very different?
  • What are they doing here? They don't look like animals or people.
  • Everyone, hands on deck. We have almost reached land.
  • The French Fur Trade
  • Bonjour! Would you like to trade?
  • Amuj (yes)
  • New metal goods from Europe. Yes! We should trade, but coming to York Factory is hard because we live way in the West.
  • The First Nation's had a diverse lifestyle. First Nations people have lived in all parts of present day Canada. They though shared some core values like that people are not separate from nature or from the non-living world. The wisdom and experience of the Elders is highly valued. Elders deserve the respect of all members of the community. There are many groups that include the Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mik'maq.
  • The English Fur Trade: The HBC
  • We will offer you a gun if you get us 14 beaver pelts.
  • Vikings were the first Europeans to visit North America, in the year 1000. The next Europeans to arrive did so 500 years later. The first contacts took place with peoples who lived on or near the coast. Both FirstNations peoples and Europeans were surprised to meet people who seemed so different from themselves. They were also being ethnocentric thinking there way of doing things is better.
  • Fierce Competition: The Nor' Westers
  • We are the Hudson Bay, this is our fur, or we'll shoot you.
  • Now I wear moccasins, use First Nation medications and way of hunting.
  • France entered the race to find an ocean passage to Asia in the mid-1500s. Many explorers like Henry Kelsey and Anthony Henday explored North America. They met the First Nations, and they began to trade. The French wanted beaver fur while the First Nations wanted the European goods. As the trade expanded the courier de bois explored more of Canada. The French were also interested in settling a colony in North America. The first French settlement was New France. The growing profits in the fur trade helped other parts of the economy grow in the colony.
  • Impacts of the Fur Trade
  • I now have advanced European technologies like guns and other weapons used for hunting.
  • After seeing the success of other imperial countries Britain entered the race. Unlike the French, the English were not interested in creating a colony in what is on Canada. In 1670, the English king granted a charter for control of the fur trade to the privately owned Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC). It had one goal: to make money. This affected the relationship between the English fur traders and the First Nations trappers.
  • We are making so much money buy selling the fur to the hat makers in Europe.
  • The competition came to an unexpected halt in 1760, when New France came under British control. The French trade ended. In 1779, a group of the new traders from Montréal formed the North West Company. Now the goal of the company was like the HBC to make money rather than to build a colony. They both offered higher prices for furs. Some rival traders also got into fist fights as they competed to get the most furs. Some traders bullied the trappers to get their furs. Some began to trade alcohol for furs, too. The relationship between the First Nations trappers and the rival traders became very difficult.
  • This is our fur we will offer you a higher price. Hudson Bay Company go away.
  • Contact in cultures was not always positive. In time, European governments claimed First Nations territories as their own. In contrast, the First Nations suffered greatly over time. Contact with Europeans turned their traditional ways of life upside down. Smallpox, measles, and influenza did not exist in North America before the Europeans came. The First Nations had no immunity to them. One positive result of contact between First Nations peoples and Europeans was the creation of a new culture: the Métis. The first Métis were the children of First Nations women and European fur traders.
  • Gwe’! I am a Métis.
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