Create your own at Storyboard ThatBussiness Context Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Delimited What pain is the goal trying to address? I will (accomplish) ___________ to _______ (number) ______ (units) Is your goal achievable? by _________ (specific action to take) by ______________ (date). (Consider visualizing a comparison between a desirable, but unrealistic goal, and the one you have chosen) (Represent or visualize the concrete components of your plan here) (Represent your measurement here) (Represent or visialize your goal here) Junetober 32nd Be sure to consider: X X X X X X X X X X X Business goals Department goals Business problem
Create your own at Storyboard ThatBussiness Context Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Delimited What pain is the goal trying to address? I will (accomplish) ___________ to _______ (number) ______ (units) Is your goal achievable? by _________ (specific action to take) by ______________ (date). (Consider visualizing a comparison between a desirable, but unrealistic goal, and the one you have chosen) (Represent or visualize the concrete components of your plan here) (Represent your measurement here) (Represent or visialize your goal here) Junetober 32nd Be sure to consider: X X X X X X X X X X X Business goals Department goals Business problem
Create your own at Storyboard ThatBussiness Context Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Delimited What pain is the goal trying to address? I will (accomplish) ___________ to _______ (number) ______ (units) Is your goal achievable? by _________ (specific action to take) by ______________ (date). (Consider visualizing a comparison between a desirable, but unrealistic goal, and the one you have chosen) (Represent or visualize the concrete components of your plan here) (Represent your measurement here) (Represent or visialize your goal here) Junetober 32nd Be sure to consider: X X X X X X X X X X X Business goals Department goals Business problem
Create your own at Storyboard ThatBussiness Context Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Delimited What pain is the goal trying to address? I will (accomplish) ___________ to _______ (number) ______ (units) Is your goal achievable? by _________ (specific action to take) by ______________ (date). (Consider visualizing a comparison between a desirable, but unrealistic goal, and the one you have chosen) (Represent or visualize the concrete components of your plan here) (Represent your measurement here) (Represent or visialize your goal here) Junetober 32nd Be sure to consider: X X X X X X X X X X X Business goals Department goals Business problem
Create your own at Storyboard ThatBussiness Context Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Delimited What pain is the goal trying to address? I will (accomplish) ___________ to _______ (number) ______ (units) Is your goal achievable? by _________ (specific action to take) by ______________ (date). (Consider visualizing a comparison between a desirable, but unrealistic goal, and the one you have chosen) (Represent or visualize the concrete components of your plan here) (Represent your measurement here) (Represent or visialize your goal here) Junetober 32nd Be sure to consider: X X X X X X X X X X X Business goals Department goals Business problem
Create your own at Storyboard ThatBussiness Context Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Delimited What pain is the goal trying to address? I will (accomplish) ___________ to _______ (number) ______ (units) Is your goal achievable? by _________ (specific action to take) by ______________ (date). (Consider visualizing a comparison between a desirable, but unrealistic goal, and the one you have chosen) (Represent or visualize the concrete components of your plan here) (Represent your measurement here) (Represent or visialize your goal here) Junetober 32nd Be sure to consider: X X X X X X X X X X X Business goals Department goals Business problem
Create your own at Storyboard ThatBussiness Context Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Delimited What pain is the goal trying to address? I will (accomplish) ___________ to _______ (number) ______ (units) Is your goal achievable? by _________ (specific action to take) by ______________ (date). (Consider visualizing a comparison between a desirable, but unrealistic goal, and the one you have chosen) (Represent or visualize the concrete components of your plan here) (Represent your measurement here) (Represent or visialize your goal here) Junetober 32nd Be sure to consider: X X X X X X X X X X X Business goals Department goals Business problem
Create your own at Storyboard ThatBussiness Context Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Delimited What pain is the goal trying to address? I will (accomplish) ___________ to _______ (number) ______ (units) Is your goal achievable? by _________ (specific action to take) by ______________ (date). (Consider visualizing a comparison between a desirable, but unrealistic goal, and the one you have chosen) (Represent or visualize the concrete components of your plan here) (Represent your measurement here) (Represent or visialize your goal here) Junetober 32nd Be sure to consider: X X X X X X X X X X X Business goals Department goals Business problem
Ärikeskkonnas peaksid iga töötaja eesmärgid aitama kaasa üldiste strateegiliste ärieesmärkide saavutamisele. Need ärieesmärgid võivad olla probleemide (nt nõrk müük) parandamine või ettevõtte kasvatamine uuele turule sisenemise teel. Seega peaksid iga töötaja eesmärgid toetama neid ettevõtte tasandi eesmärke.
Mall on eelvormindatud juhend, mida saab ikka ja jälle kasutada. Graafiliste korraldajate tühjad mallid on eriti kasulikud, kuna te ei pea sama asja ikka ja jälle uuesti looma ja neid saab kasutada mitmel otstarbel.