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mice and men

Loo Süžeeskeemi
Kopeerige see süžeeskeemid
mice and men
Storyboard That

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • George- were all hanging out having a good time for once
  • so soft
  • i think i should talk to lennie he looks lonely like me
  • it died because i like to pet it and im too strong
  • "from outside came the clang of horseshoes on the playing peg and the shouts of men, playing, encouraging, jeering" (84).
  • well you can pet my hair, its realllll soft. want to touch it?
  • very nice very soft, but dont move
  • lennie - i love petting soft things
  • well thanks but dont mess it up or i will move
  • lennie " why do you have to be dead pup, you are so stupid"curlys wife- what up lennie, whatcha hidinglennie- a dead pup
  • stop moving!!!!!!!!!
  • crack pop....... dead
  • its ok george said no
  • lennie wants to touch curlys wifes hair but george told him not to mess with her. she goes on to tell lennie her story. and proceeds to tell him its okay for lennie to touch her hair. little does she know what happen back in weed and truly how strong lennie is.
  • lennie ends up stroking her hair, mind you he has a heavy hand and no awareness of how strong he is. " well dont touch it to much youll mess it up" curlys wife says. once she starts to struggle lennie gets mad.
  • lennie fights her to stop moving becuase he doesn't want to get in trouble he over powers her and is too strong he ends up snappping her neck and killing her.
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