
Kliimamuutuste PSA

Kopeerige see süžeeskeemid
Kliimamuutuste PSA
Storyboard That

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

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Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!
Leiate selle storyboard järgmistes esemed ja vahendid:
Kasvuhoonegaaside Õppetunnid

Kasvuhooneefekt ja Globaalne Soojenemine

Autor: Oliver Smith

Üks suurimaid väljakutseid, millega meie õpilaste põlvkond silmitsi seisab, on kliimamuutus. Järgmised tegevused aitavad õpilastel mõista, kuidas globaalne soojenemine toimib ja mida nad saavad selleks ette võtta.


Kasvuhooneefekt ja Globaalne Soojenemine

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Save the Earth!
  • Save the Earth!
  • .    . .
  • Humans burning oil, coal, gas, and causing deforestation are main cause of increased CO2 in the atmosphere.
  • 2021 was one of Earth's hottest years, and the seven warmest years in the past 170 are the last seven years.
  • Facts About Climate Change
  • The high concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2)​​​​​​​ in our atmosphere (a cause of climate change) is the highest it has ever been in human history.
  • Low lying areas vulnerable to rising seas mean that up to 1 billion people could be displaced due to climate change by 2050
  • 800 million people (11% of the world's population) are currently vulnerable to drought, flood, heat waves, etc. as sea-levels rise, a product of climate change.
  • The World Bank estimates that by 2030, climate change could send more than 120 million people into poverty.
  • Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/en/co2-global-warming-global-warming-1076817/) - TheDigitalArtist - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)
  • How You Can Help:
  • RECYCLE! Paper, Glass, Plastic, Metal, Clothing and Electronics!
  • REDUCE! Buy less stuff!
  • CONSERVE! Use less water & electricity!
  • REUSE! Repurpose what you have!
  • RESTORE! Plant a tree!

Pilt Omistamine

Loodud üle 30 miljoni süžeeskeemi
Proovimiseks Pole Vaja Allalaadimist, Krediitkaarti ega Sisselogimist!
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