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Assassinated (44 BCE)

Julius Caesar

Crosses the Rubicon (49 BCE)

Born (100 BCE)

Formed First Triumvirate (60 BCE)

Becomes Dictator for Life (45 BCE)

Elected Consul (59 BCE)

Elected Pontifex Maximus (63 BCE)

Julius was the chiefhighpriest in the Collegium Pontificum.

The triumvirate was an alliance between Crassus and Pompey. Together they ruled Rome, and their policies favored Caesar.

Caesar's enemy, Pompey, viewed the crossing of the Rubicon as a threat. The act helped facilitate the Roman Civil War.

The Senate declared Caesar Dictator Perpetuus. During his reign, Caesar reformed the tax system and changed the calendar, among other changes.

The senators assassinated Julius Caesar to keep him from becoming too powerful. Two years later, he was named the Divine Julius.

During his time as Consul, Caesar conqueredGaul.
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