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Academic Dishonesty Storyboard

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Academic Dishonesty Storyboard
Storyboard That

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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Academic Integrity Scenario #3
  • This is Bill and he is a student at Elm Fork Elementary and he has been really putting time apart from his other activities to study for a test and he feels like he is going to ace it.
  • I will ace this test and I feel so confident
  • As Bill sat to take his test he saw Marco and Jonny taking each others answers and he realized that it was not fair.
  • Wait a minute are they cheating? Hey that's not fair that I spent my quality time studying and they can just cheat.
  • I studied a lot for this test and it is not fair if Marco and Johnny just get to cheat together while I am studying hard for the test!
  • Bill is frustrated because he took his time studying on the test for many days before and now it is not fair that Marco nand Johnny get to cheat and they will probably get a better grade as well.
  • Scenario Question1. Would you consider this cheating? Why or why notYes, I would consider this cheating because in a real test you would not be able to talk to your friends.2. Who is cheating in your scenario.Marco, and Johnny
  • Scenario Question3. How did they cheat? Explain. Marco and Johnny cheated by getting answers from each otherHow would you handle this situation if you were put in it?I would go up to them and tell them that cheating is wrong and that they should stop.
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