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Mexico Gains Independence

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Mexico Gains Independence
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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Louisiana Purchase
  • Sure why not
  • Would you like to buy some of Louisiana.
  • Mexico Citizens Unhappy
  • We want life to be fair and we want to be treated the same!
  • Father Miguel Hidalgo
  • Let me led you so we can have a equal life.
  • In 1803 The U.S bought Louisiana Territory from France for 15 million dollars.
  • Filibusters
  • Mexico citizens were unhappy because Spain took their land and controlled everything and they did not like that because they wanted life to be fair.
  • Battle of Medina
  • Lets go save Texas and Mexico
  • Father Miguel Hidalgo was a priest hat was trying to make Spain queal to everybody under them but people disagreed with him some when you got defeated him and his flowers went for Teaxs.
  • Constitution of 1824
  • We are going to make a Constitution like the Amaeracians so we can be left alone since the Spanish king is gone
  • The filibusters were people that fought in unofficial wars and had really nothing to do with the government.
  • Sure
  • Can we buy horses from you
  • The Battle Of Medina is where there was a republican Army and the Army wanted to free Texas and Mexico from the Spanish commands.
  • The Constitution of 1824 was made for Mexico so they could be fairly treated.
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