This is a story about a father and a son going through a series of events that turns out to be an educational experience for the son.
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Bob there might be a tornado on its way. We need to go home fast just in case!
A tornado is a natural disaster just like a hurricane or tsunami and we depend on our home to keep us safe. Come on we can talk on the way home.
What even is tornado? And why do we have to go home?
So anyway while we walk home I also wanted to ask you about why there are so many trees cut down.
Another word for this is Human environment Interaction. Hurry bob we are almost home.
Well that's known as deforestation which is when they cut down trees to adapt and modify to the environment.
It is Bob, maybe in the future you can try and fix this issue but for now its destroying our planet.
Anyway, turns out there wasn't a tornado so do you want to go back to the park now?
About the forest thing you were talking about earlier, isn't that a bad thing since you told me before that trees were good
You did it Bob! You saved our earth!!
Thank you it was all thanks to my father.
NEWS ALERT!!!! Deforestation is now one less global issue that we do not need to worry about. This is all thanks to Bob and his incredible intelligence. Before, we constantly needed to cut down trees for our own needs. We needed to change how our environment which was slowly killing us day by day as this issue got bigger. Please show your appreciation towards Bob for changing deforestation. Yes as there are many reasons to celebrate, let this be a wake up call. Our world is dying quicker than normally and we need to fix that. So if anyone is reading this make a difference.