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French Revolution Timeline

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French Revolution Timeline
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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Estates-GeneralMay 5, 1789
  • National AssemblyJune 13, 1789
  • Storming of the BastilleJuly 14, 1789
  •  King Louis XVI made the estate-general to help solve France's economic problems.
  • Committee of Public SafetyApril 6, 1793
  • It was formed when the 3rd estate wasn't part of the Estate-General.
  • Tennis Court OathJune 20, 1789
  • The common people went to destroy the Bastille because it was a symbol of the mings power.
  • Reign of TerrorSeptember 5, 1793
  • The Committee of Public Safety took power of the judicial, legislative, and military efforts of France.
  • The National Assembly meet up in the King's tennis court to make a new constitution and limit the kings power.
  • The Reign of Terror was when there was a lot of execution with the guillotine.
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