Britain set up the Hudson bay company. Britain and France were both trading with the first nations people. Now the two countries were competing in the fur trade. Britain had the area around the Hudson bay company, and France controlled the Great lakes/st Lawrence region
hi lol
both the french and the British fished off the east coast of Canada. When they were there,they got to know the mi'kmaq and began some trading
here are some fur
here are some spices lol
New France was established and the french traded with the First nation in the area around the Great lakes and the St Lawrence River
no we will have more money because we have the great lakes
we have the Hudson bay company and we will make more money
Hudson bay company (HBC)
The North west company took over french fur trade. Now two British companies were competing. They both moved west. Trying to be the first ones to get to the new, unclaimed fur trade territory.
Britain got the HBC and the NWC to merge into one company called the Hudson bay company,which traded all across Canada