I know you invited me to the dyslexia committee meeting this week... and I see the email chain with 30 minutes for me on the agenda. Did you want me to present anything specific?
I hadn't planned on being there but my other meeting just moved, do don't worry about it. I have to go I have another meeting now.
We don't know what the different measures mean
No, worries. Chelsea can explain it
Sure....not a problem....I'll pull up my presentation
Sharon, can we spend some time in our meeting on Monday to discuss my role in upcoming meetings? I felt a little unprepared with the dyslexia committee and just want to make sure we're on the same pagemoving forward.
Sorry about that Chelsea, I forgotto check back in with you before the meeting. I'll add it to the agenda
Reaching out to clarify about my role in an upcoming meeting with a team I haven't worked with.
Day of meeting. I ended up presenting when I thought this was a data conversation.
Responding to the team leads' email about my role in the meeting