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spanish stuff

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spanish stuff
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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Louisiana Purchase
  • yes
  • is 15 good
  • Mexico Citizens Unhappy
  • we work on the farms
  • we are the best and the richest
  • 3
  • 1
  • we are important but not as important as them
  • we are outcast
  • 4
  • 2
  • Father Miguel Hidalgo
  • free fight for everyone
  • kill are apressers
  • the u.s. bought Louisiana from the french for 15 Mil dollers.
  • Filibusters
  • we think your spying on us die die die lol text besty kild him
  • in Spain, there was an unfair way of determining your job and your worth/statis peninsulares #1 the richest #2 creoles owned the farms #3mestizos they worked on the farm and last #4 Indians wore considered outcasts to Spain. The way you are determined by what category you are placed in is by birth, parents.
  • Battle of Medina
  • we won yay seid the spainish
  • run they will kill us
  • father migal H wanted free right for evry on and killed a lot of peninsulares with his rising grupe of lower classes evenchulaly he got shot .
  • he was a fiabuster and colected wild hourses and they thougt he was a spy so they kliied him.
  • your so cute
  • a bunch of fillabusters got together with a misson to free mexico and teaxas from the spanish pover they killed a bunch of pepole and the rest ran away ....
  • when Agustin de Iturbide died they whanted to chang there goverment so they made the constition of 1824 mexico became a republic .
  • we whant to change are goverment
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