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Ancient China

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Ancient China
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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Confucianism: Confucius believed in respect; he thought people should always respect there ruler. He also believed that moral conduct will lead to a better kingdom, and code of behavier. He also made anelects.
  • Respect me!!!
  • Legalism: People known as legalists beleived in strict laws. If the laws were broken there would be a harsh punishment. They had firm management and very tight control. They thought these things were needed because people are naturally bad
  • Obey these rules!!
  • Taoists thought that people were not good or bad. Taoists also believed that everyone should be in tune with nature. The Taoists thought that people should have a simple life so you can be yourself at all times."People do npot need to argue or be persuaded",they said.
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