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forensic drug performance task

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forensic drug performance task
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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • I was thinking of selling and using cocaine. It would really be beneficial to me; I know a guy ;)
  • Uhh.. I'm not too sure considering the consequences if you do get caught with it 🠳
  • well..... i just won't get caught then, simple :)
  • I guess so, but I think it's better to be safe than sorry 🠳
  • Well how do they even test for cocaine anyways?
  • Forensic drug chemists analyze samples of unknown materials including powders, 🠳
  • Possession of cocaine for recreational use is illegal throughout the United States, regardless of form. Penalties for possession include legal and financial repercussions, such as arrest, driver’s license suspension, court fines, mandatory rehabilitation programs, and incarceration.
  • oh wow, that's actually pretty interesting- what a career!
  • I know right?
  • You wouldn't want something so silly as illegal drugs to be on your record; it's way smarter to avoid it if you can.
  • well basically 🠳
  • -liquids and stains to determine the chemical identity or characteristics of the compounds that make up the sample. Samples submitted as evidence in a drug-related case can contain one compound or a mixture of many compounds. cocaine powder for your situation is often cut with other substances such as caffeine or lidocaine. The forensic chemist who receives the sample suspected to be cocaine will need to separate out all the individual compounds and test to see if one of those is cocaine. They do this by looking at the chemical characteristics of each compound and comparing those characteristics to reference material analyzed using the same instrument.
  • Oh that's really eye opening, thank you for telling me about this; I was going into something blind, and I would've regretted it.
  • No Problem!
  • Please tell me more :0
  • The worst thing about a criminal conviction is that it can leave its imprints with you in the form of a criminal record, which will likely stay with you for the rest of your life. It may have an impact on your current employment and other opportunities in the future. If your record is clean right now? there's no reason to make it dirty.
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