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My challenge

Loo Süžeeskeemi
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My challenge
Storyboard That

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Looge oma süžeeskeemid

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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • This is not me anymore
  • No one loves me. No one is there for me. I feel so lonely.
  • It's been 2 years when the Covid-19 pandemic happens
  • what should I do?
  • Since the pandemic started I'm not the usual person that I know. I always complain about everything because it's so hard to adjust to the usual routine that I have. I miss being outside with friends and I can't cope up with the rules that we should follow.
  • And at the end of the day, only God can be our sanctuary and anchor and He is the only one that can help us in times of suffering.
  • It gives me hard time being stuck in the house because of the pandemic. My mental health is not good because I experience different feelings like anxiety, overthinking, stress, and feelings that I can't describe. Everyone thinks that I'm okay but deep inside I'm not. I usually fake my expressions every day when someone sees me.
  • I stop those things that I love to do. I forgot the reasons behind why I should chase my dreams in life. I always think negative thoughts and I can find happiness inside me. I feel that I'm incomplete and I don't even care for myself lately.
  • At this time of challenges in my life that I facing today, I can say that I'm still blessed in my life. It is not easy to face it but I'm doing my very best to take on this challenge. I learn to be positive as always and I increase my faith in the Lord by the people around me and the motivational words that I read every day. By that challenge, I'm learning how to love myself more, that I should focus on the things that help me grow and I should always encourage myself that I always do to others.
  • God is truly amazing because He never fails me. He used some instruments to wake me up in my dark nightmare. He reminds me of something that I should go on in my life because I'm His masterpiece and He has a great plan for me. I always think that God gives me this challenge because He knows that I can overcome it. By His love and grace, He saves me again from the darkness. My hope and faith in Him remain in my heart.
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