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Republic to Empire Storyboard

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Republic to Empire Storyboard
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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Punic Wars
  • Caesar in Gaul
  • Caesar was Assassinated
  • Rome fought three wars vs Carthage over control of the Mediterranean. Rome won all three wars & gained new territory.
  • The Second Triumvirate
  • After his one-year term as consul, Caesar was appointed governor of Gaul, which is in modern France.
  • Death of Mark Antony
  • As Caesar entered the senate-house, the Senators took out the knives hidden under their togas and stabbed Caesar 35 times until he fell dead on the senate-house floor.
  • Octavian becomes the first Roman Emperor
  • Caesar's nephew, Octavian took over Rome and allied himself with Mark Antony & Marcus Lepidus. The Second Triumvirate fought to avenge Caesar’s death. They defeated the armies of Cassius & Brutus. The three divided the conquered land between them.
  • Octavian sees the marriage of Antony and Cleopatra as a threat to his power. Octavian conquers Egypt and Antony/Cleopatra kill themselves.
  • Octavian takes sole control of the military. The Senate gives him the name Augustus. Caesar Augustus becomes the first emperor of Rome. Roman Republic transitions to the Roman Empire.
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