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Bill of Rights

Loo Süžeeskeemi
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Bill of Rights
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Looge oma süžeeskeemid

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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • The Fourth Amendment states that the government cannot search people, their homes, or belongings unless they have a warrant or probable cause. Here in this image, the owner of the house is exercising his fourth amendment right.
  • The Fourth Amendment
  • No! You don't have a warrant or a probable cause!
  • I need to search your house and belongings right now!
  • The Fifth Amendment states that the government cannot take a person's property and use it without fair payment. Additionally, if the government must do this, then they must go through due process/fair trial.
  • Hello miss. I need to take this land and property in order to build more freeways.
  • The Fifth Amendment
  • No way! This land isn't for free! How much are you paying me?!
  • One of the rights the Sixth Amendment gives to citizens is that they must be told what they are accused of doing and to have rights to a lawyer.
  • The court rules the defendant guilty!
  • The Sixth Amendment
  • What is going on?? Why did I get arrested? What did I get charged with???!!! I don't even have a lawyer!
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