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The Great Depression StoryBoard

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The Great Depression StoryBoard
Storyboard That

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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • I'm so hungry and tired.
  • Through out the years of the great depression, many families were homeless and starving. Most people had to sell both their homes and belongings since they had no jobs or very low pay. Every morning men without jobs would go to the city and search for some. They would even work for very low prices. Everyone was desperate and in need of help.
  • Years of the great depression
  • The great depression had many causes. Starting with buying goods on credit. This was because the average American didn't have enough to buy the new inventions of the 1920s. So eventually americans went bank rupt and in debt. Other causes were high terriffs, gambling on stocks, and the federal reserve failing to act.
  • causes of the great depression
  • Ok!
  • I would like to buy this on credit please.
  • During the great depression, president hoover believed that the government should do nothing to help and that the economy would fix itself very soon. While the FDR wanted to promote economic recovery and putting Americans back to work immidiantly through federal activism.
  • Don't worry, it will all be ok soon.
  • Hoover please help my family and I! We are starving and suffering!
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