Hmmmm... Fine you can go and become a Samana. Go and say goodbye to your mother and tell her were your heading.
Dad I believe that it is my time to become a Samana.
Chapter 2/1: With the Samanas
Hope we become Brahman.
Me too!
Chapter 2/2: With the Samanas
We've learned absolutely nothing, or at least I believe so.
I wonder who there talking about.
Most of you have done an amazing job! Others not so much
No! We've learned so much. I think were ready!
Chapter 3: Gotama
Very well. Goodbye Siddhartha
Though you Siddhartha have not really shown your best work, we have thought that your a pretty smart young man.
No its fine. Thank You. But honestly I have learnt nothing on this journey, and saying so, I would liked to be move on as a Samana, if you please..
Govinda you have done an amazing job as a Samana for 3 years. Well Done!!
Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 5 1/3: Kamala
Hello Sir!?it's so beautiful out here, you think? I wish I had a girt for you, Thank you.
Yess!It is so. Of course.
Siddhartha, who is the son a The Brahman, is starting to become older, and in those stages they are able to try and become a Samana. A Samana is someone who is man or a woman who has completely become "empty, empty of thirst, empty of wishing, empty of dreams, and empty of joy and sorrow. And so that's what Siddhartha is hoping to achieve on this journey.
Chapter 5 2/3: Kamala
After his father gives him the yes into becoming a Samana, he starts to walk his way to the forest were the Samana live.. once he starts walking he learns that Govinda, who is his his best friend that is also the son of A Brahman, was given the go to becoming a Samana. So together they walk their way to the forest.
Chapter 5 3/3: Kamala
You can read and write? How?
Hello, im Kamala ....... I've written this poem and i would like you to read it.
After a couple of weeks in the forest with many Samanas, and soon-to-be samanas, Siddhartha believes that he has learn absolutely nothing about becoming a samana. While Govinda believes that they've learned so much while being there.
Chapter 6: With the Childlike people
Will do......This job willl make enough money for me and Kamala.
Then after 3 years, their mentors come and see if they are truly a Samana and kinda test them with their knowledge. Obviously Siddhartha didn't want to be there, and so he didn't really have much knowledge anyways so they let him leave.
Chapter 7 1/3: Sansara
Also i had a weird dream. It was a dead bird and look!! "gasp" Kamala your bird is dead. I'll throw it away.
Oh my dear, i just dont feel myself anymore. yes and i love you, but i still don't fell right.
On his way to where ever, since he wasn't able to go back home if he didn't have any knowledge learnt from there, he saw the most mesmerizing objects/nature. since he hasn't really been like in the outside world, he wasn't able to see like the mountains, and the trees, and the grass and, light blue sky, and stars in the moonlight, etc. he was just so astonished by it.
Chapter 7 2/3: Sansara
While walking through the forest he found a river, and a man. He talked to the man and thanked him for the nature and how it was so beautiful. After his chat with the ferryman, he had left and walked into a town that had mud-brick houses and children playing around.
Chapter 7 3/3: Sansara
YESSSSSS Ha!! Pass it over!
As he walks by in the town he sees some little kids playing with pumpkin seeds and sea shells, though they payed absolutely no attetion to him. Then he goes to a river nearby and sees a woman there getting water.
When Siddhartha saw her face, he thought. They greeted and met. The next day Siddhartha went to Kamala's house. When he was there, Kamala had a peom she had written and he read it and loved it. Then they kissed. that was the first time Siddhartha felt love and found the one.
Mnay of us know how to read.
Hi im Siddhartha....... you are so beautiful and this peom is beautiful just like you.
The next day he goes back to the Kamaswami's house for some bussiness with the landlord. They got to work, the landlord gave him some duties to complete. And also some trading he had to complete as well. He got the job and was making enough money to take care of him and his soon to be wife, Kamala.
This is the work i need you to do. Complete them smartly and you have the job.
Siddhartha felt like nothing which was kinda what he wanted, you know to feel empty, but he just didint like it anymore. He was rich off of the trading bussiness, had a beautiful house, and beautiful wife. Then later days he had a dream about a dead bird, and so after when he woke up he saw a dead bird of Kamala's. Which kinda meant something bad.
Honey why are you sad/drepressed? But we are rich. We have a beautiful house and garden near the river, and me.
Ohh my!! My poor birde.
Then after, they tried to play a game that was made to be playable over an over without getting tired, but somehow it Siddhartha got bored of the game and stopped playing. Ans Siddhartha had gone missing in the forest. Then Kamala had a new bird and she let it out to fly because she didnt want any visitors. She was tired and hopeless, but not alone... She was PREGNANT with Siddhartha's baby, from the last time they been together.
Ohh i wonder where Siddhartha is. I must let you go shall i not be able to take care of you. There fly.
But before he left he'd been gambling and wasting money, day and night. He tried to be more responsible with it but just kept losing more and more money. Soon he didn't lose the money, the money lost him.
Darn it!!! I lost. Here's the money
Chapter 8 1/2: By the River
Oh My!! GOVINDA!! It's been a long time. Are you still a Samana? I'm rich off of a trading bussiness i do. I have a beautfiul wife, and i was miserable, but after that nap i feel reborn.
SIDDHARTHA!! Hello! No i left a while ago. Im not that rich and i've been near the river alot........ Goodbye SIddhartha.
well it was great seeing you again. Goddbye Govinda.
Chapter 8 2/2: By the River
WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!! I shouldnt of have been gambling, i've wasted so much money. But, at the same time i shouldnt hate myself beacuse of how this world is. WHy was i deprived and felt poisoned and tortured? How did i let myself get that that?
Chapter 9 1/2: The Ferryman
Indead it was.
It was a pretty beautiful sound of the river, from the little bit that we had heard.
Chapter 9 2/2: The Ferryman
Here my darling. This is our son. Im giving him to you because i am dying. Take care of him.
Of course my dear. I love you.
Chapter 9 3/3: The Ferryman
She was an amazing, beautiful, caring, and loving personn.
Chapter 10 1/2: The Son
Im going to raise you right as a amazing man, just like your mother would've, to honor her. I will love you and treat you right.
This is alot of workin taking care of a child. Im worried, and sad. Worst then i was before, but i am going to sacrifice my joy and happiness for you, my dear child.
After Siddhatha left his house, he had gone into the forest near the city far away from his home. Then he sat and leaned on the trunk of a tree and fell asleep. When he woke up and thought that the was like the best slept he ever had, and that hes been reborn. But then he sees an old man. GOVINDA!! he says. The man was Govinda, his best friend since birth. They chatted and caught up, and said their goodbyes again.
Chapter 10 2/2: The Son
After Govinda had left, Siddhartha was stuck judging and regretting many things hes done in his life. Saying that he shouldn't be hating himself because of his world and how it is. Plus after found joy in his life again, he was very dissapointed in himself.
Chapter 11: Om
Then went back to the river, he saw the Ferryman again. (His name is Vasudaeva) And they chatted again and actually introducedn themselves. Then they listened to the river and tried to listen to the sound it had, though it was pretty late and they didn't hear much so they went to sleep.
Chapter 12: Govinda
Then later like the next day Siddhartha's wife kamala, (The baby was already born. It was a boy), they came and found Siddhartha at the river. She didn't truly reconize him, but he reconized her, and not the little boy. Kamala was old, and had wounds, she was very dark and dirty.
The End
Kamala gave him the son and had died. Then Siddhartha, Vasudeva, and the son tried to build a funeral pile, but the son fell asleep so Siddhartha, and Vasudeva made it themselves on the hill, which is where Vasudeva's wife's funeral pile was.
After they had the funeral. After Siddhartha wanted to start raising his son into an amazing young man/man/person, to like honor his wife and the little boy's mother, Kamala. He'd show love, talk about his riches, treat him right, etc. But so he relized that the son brought him no joy, but made him worried.
But then later that nigth, the boy had ran away. They were going t look for him on the boat, since he ran away on the other boat that they had had. They went to city and walkdd into a garden where Kamala was at alot. But then he started to feel hopeless again and sadness. And so he ended up falling asleep.
Om= The Perfection.then after looking for him another day day, but couldn't find him, they went back to the river and Vasudeva taught him like the river's ways and knowlegde. And so he felt the perfection it had and felt much better. Soon after the Ferryman; Vasudeva, left.
Goodbye Siddhartha.
Goodbye Vasudeva.
Then when Vasudeva left, Govinda showed up again in a boat of another Ferryman. They greeted chatted some more about their life and how their old now, and like which path they took, stones, disagreements, etc. Then Shortly after Govinda left again, but before he knelled down and kissed Siddhartha's forehead and cried some and said their goodbyes.
Hello again Govinda! ...........I will always love you! "Bend down and give me a kiss on my forehead".
Hello again Siddhartha! .........I will always love you too! "Smooch!"
The End
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