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TOP GUN book tech

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TOP GUN book tech
Storyboard That

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Looge oma süžeeskeemid

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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • "Great, Maverick & goose."
  • "Who's up there?"
  • "Cougar, Merlin, Maverick & Goose."
  • "This is a great picture! I should be a photographer."
  • "Vipers up here! Greatttt."
  • " Oh man! its viper."
  • "This is one of the hardest drills you will have, let me list the standings"
  • November 23rd, 1994. Antlantic ocean, a Nimitz class aircraft carrier is out on patrol when they get a warning on radar, they have only 2 jets up in the air, students of the flight school called... TOPGUN
  • "Eject! eject! eject!"
  • The 2 jets with pilots Maverick and Cougar, with assistant pilots Goose and Merlin. they find out the warning they got was 2 jets closing in fast on the carrier and immediately are sent to intercept them. They successfully shot down 1 and took an ID picture of the 2nd one, scaring him off.
  • 2 Months later... TOPGUN HQ. pilots Maverick and Iceman and assistant pilots Goose, and Merlin are in a training session for a test. This is the one of the hardest test of the year. The pilots are fighting each other with training missile locks. and one of the veterans of TOPGUN, Viper, along with Jester, another veteran. Is up there with them. Maverick disengages to go for Viper and leads them into a trap, losing the test.
  • I got 1 enemy on radar! Nevermind 2! 3!
  • Get ready boys!
  • 1 month later... Pilot Maverick and assistant pilot goose, are on a mission. they're left wing is shot off . putting them in a flat spin. Maverick tried to get control of the jet, but he couldn't. They had no choice but to eject. So Maverick called out the command "Eject, eject, eject" and Goose pulled the ejection handle. Maverick made it out safely but Goose's ejection system had a malfunction and he knocked his head on the canopy. The injury was so bad he was dead...
  • 1 year later, August 13th 1996. Pilots Maverick, Iceman, Jester, and Viper with all their assistant pilots. Are in a briefing for a huge mission. each pilot gets assigned to role. Maverick gets assigned to Alert 5, which is the backup role just in case they need more jets.
  • Up in the air Iceman detects 2 jets on radar. which made them really confident about this fight. But then it quickly increases to 5 jets. And then Maverick comes into play. He's launched into the air and before you know it he's super sonic, and will arrive in 3 minutes. he arrives and fights but then disengages in memory of his friend Goose. But then snaps out of it and gets back in the battle. Slowly but surely they shoot down all jets and return heroes.
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