How many of you have plants at home (by the show of hands), and how do they take care of their plants?
My mom and I have two plants and we take care of them by watering them and taking them to the sun outside.
1. Introduction: Principle 1: eliciting prior knowledgecompetency : communication
Scenario:Thabo does not water his plants he says the soil will help it grow and he places it under his bedGugu waters her plant everyday and she takes it outside directly to the sun before she goes to school, she also cleans it
In pairs, you guys must discuss which plant will grow according to the scenario, is it Thabo's or Gugu's and give reason why.
Principle 2 The scenario is short and direct therefore it will not swamp the learner's working memory
Plant life cycle activity
We also think Gugu's plant will grow and not Thabo's, because Gugu takes her plant to the sunlight which is good for the plant mam.
Conditions for growth: Plants
Can any pair give us feedback on which plant will grow and also provide a reason why they think so
Me and my partner think Gugu's plant will grow, because she waters it and water helps the plant grow mam.
Competency: Collaboration Learners are working in pairs therefore they are collaborating.
Steps of growing a plant and conditions: -watering-Sunlight -Climate-Pest control-Keep on watering
These are the steps that you can use to grow your plant learners, in front of you there's are worksheet called plant life cycle and you will arranger the steps as they are mixed up . Just write the number from one to 5
Body of the lesson Principle 2: Explaining the content in simple stepsPrinciple 4
I am walking around and checking the work
Plant Life Cycle Arrange the steps from 1-5 on your worksheet
Principle 6 Allowing learners to complete an activity
Any Questions about the homework?, okay there are no questions please make sure that you complete your homework
Homework In that A3 paper, brainstorm on everything that we have learnt today on a mind-map
Consolidation -Homework is given to learners to engage with the content on their own