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The soviet union circled Berlin, (The Capital of Germany) on April 25 1945. The soviet union also meet up with American forces on the same day and attack central Germany until they neared Hitlers command bunker. After nearing his bunker Hitler killed himself, causing Germany to surrender.

The soviet union was annoyed by the amount of power that America had. America had established itself as a very powerful nation and the Soviet Union did not like the amount of power that they had. So they started to make threats and it was unclear if they were friends or foes.

The Manhattan Project was the code name that America used while developing the atomic bomb that they would drop on Japan.

The bombing of Hiroshima was the first atomic bombing in the world. This bomb killed around 80,000 people on impact, and even more that were exposed to radiation.

The bombing of Nagasaki was the second of the two atomic bombs to be dropped on Japan. This bomb was dropped to ensure that Japan would surrender and soldiers could go home and be safe, and the bombs did just that. However it caused mass destruction, pain, and lots of death.

Finally after the destruction of the two bombs. Japan surrendered due to the two bombs and it's forces being weak and crippled. Finally everyone could go home and hopefully not worry about anything like this happens again.

I surrendered 

Friend or foe?

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