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Berlin wall

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Berlin wall
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Looge oma süžeeskeemid

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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • This is what life looked like in West Germany, clean shops, great economy, and great landscape, this was life in West Germany that was owned by the US, France and the UK.
  • This is what life looked like in East Germany, Dirty shops, poor economy, and dirty streets, this was life in East Germany it was owned by the Soviet Union which is now Russia.
  • You could just walk from East to West Germany and that is what many people did.
  • The East Germans woke up to find a wall separating them from West Berlin.
  • The East Germans tried everything to escape to West Berlin, but 128 people dies trying during the period.
  • November 9th 1989 people gathered to the wall, the surprised guards had no choice, but to open the gate, and then from both sides of the wall people demolished it or danced on top of it.
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