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Prison Route

Loo Süžeeskeemi
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Prison Route
Storyboard That

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

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Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • The man was convicted of a crime and sentenced to 5-10 years in jail. The government believes punishments like these helps with deterrence. This is when the purpose of the punishment is to scare people away from committing the same crime.
  • When in jail he has to deal with bad living conditions. This includes everything being filthy, things like the toilet frequently not working, and lots of sickness going around. Many prisoners get sick and do not get the medical attention they need. The living conditions can also lead inmates to resent the criminal justice system for the rest of their lives.
  • The culture in prison is very bad for the inmates. There are different gangs within the prison that often result in fights. There are a number of stabbings as well. Going to prison is a threat to people's lives. It can also change people. It can cause them to become more hardened or violent. It will at least keep people who came in that way the way they are.
  • Now leaving prison at the end of his sentence, this man has been changed during his time. He is now traumatized, hardened, and possibly violent because of the hardships he faced. Prison has not prepared him to reenter society as a new law-abiding citizen. It may have made him more likely to commit another crime, taking him back to jail.
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