Yes you do! Look at my face. Then go and mock me behind my back. Keep up the good joke! Your prank is so well executed. If you had any decency, grace, or manners, you wouldn't do this to me. But goodbye, it's my own fault, but it will get fixed soon enough when I die or leave.
I don't understand what you mean!
Sweetheart, don't be so mean to her
Oh great
Wait Helena! Let me explain myself my love, my life, my soul, beautiful Helena
If you don't listen to Hermia, then i'll make you leave
You can't make me leave when Helena can make me stay. Your threats are so weak. Helen I love you I really do. I would give up anything for you. Demetrius is wrong when he says that I don't love you
Then take out your sword and prove it
I love you more than he does
Ok come on
No sir, just give up already. You'll pretend to follow me but you really won't. You're just too weak
Get off me you animal. If you don't let go of me i'll just have to shake you off
Get away from me you ugly woman!
Why have you gotten so rude! What changed my love?