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Storyboard Project English

Loo Süžeeskeemi
Kopeerige see süžeeskeemid
Storyboard Project English
Storyboard That

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Preparing to get to the restaurant.
  • I'm so happy to have dinner and wish my grandma good luck!
  • Alright, I think I'm ready!
  • Eating dinner.
  • Yup, thank you grandma and grandpa!!
  • The food is so good.. I hope they're also enjoying it.
  • Do you guys like the food?
  • Spending time with my grandparents at my aunt's house.
  • Are you and Noah doing good in school?
  • I'm happy to make my grandparents proud with my performance in school even though it's online.
  • Yeah, I got straight A's and Noah keeps getting 4's!
  • After finishing my zoom classes and homework, I dressed up to go to the restaurant to eat dinner with my father's side. I remember wearing a black cardigan sweater, and blue jeans with black vans. My mom wasn't able to come because she was stuck with college meetings. I didn't think much of what could go wrong that day.
  • Bidding farewell and luck on the night before her surgery.
  • Bye mom, good luck on the surgery, we love you!
  • We love you too!
  • We finally get to the restaurant and start eating. My dad's brother and his family came as well. We all had to sit at different tables since the place didn't have a long dining table. My grandparents ask how we're doing since the last time we saw them was 2 months ago.
  • Crying at her deathbed.
  • Mom please wake up...
  • No!.. How could this happen...
  • I wish I could spend more time with you...
  • After eating, we go to my dad's cousin's house. It's a very lively house because of her two daughters, in other words, my distant cousins. We spend as much time as we could with my grandma. While the kids and I are talking and hanging with grandma, my dad starts talking with his cousins and other family members.
  • Grieving at her funeral.
  • May her soul rest in peace.
  • It was around 10:30pm when we had to go home. We all said our goodbyes to everyone and headed outside to get in the car. Before driving back home, my brother and I hug our grandma very tightly. We wish her luck on the surgery and have hopes that it will go smoothly.
  • I hope it goes well...
  • Bye grandma!
  • A week later, the hospital calls us to say that it didn't go well. We all rush to the hospital to pay her a visit. My mother was able to come this time. We spent a very long time staying there, hoping for a miracle to happen. When we had to pull her life support, I felt so heartbroken. My last living grandma has now passed. I feel like I cried multiple oceans that night.
  • Grandma?..
  • After lots of preparations, we held her funeral at a church. Family, friends, and neighbors came to this event. Everyone was giving their speech on how Rosalina, my grandma's name, impacted their lives. My dad and I were crying almost the whole time. To this day, I regret not being able to spend lots of time and make lots of memories with her,
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