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Captain Computational Comic strip

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Captain Computational Comic strip
Storyboard That

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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Decompose Comic Slide
  • mike: Oh no.. I have a lot of tests coming up soon due next weekI don't have time to practice all of them.
  • Captain Computational:Whydon't you practice each subject each day.Ex. math on Monday, history on Tuesday.
  • Pattern Matching Comic Slide
  • Help me what is pattern matching.
  • Hooray
  • Pattern Matching is Finding Similarities between things.
  • Abstraction Comic Slide
  • My crops and my animals are dying because there hardly comes rain. Captain computational what do I do?
  • Hooray
  • you should first water your plants then feed your animals so theydon't get thirsty.
  • Decompose- to break down a problem into smaller pieces.
  • Algorithm Comic slide
  • Help I don't know how to change my laptop.
  • you should take out your laptop and cable then plug your cable into the wall then plug it into your laptop done.
  • Pattern Matching- Finding Similarities between things.
  • Debugging comic slide
  • I'm failing all my classes because I don't have a laptop.
  • Then you should buy a laptop
  • Abstraction- pulling out specific differences to make one solution work for multiple problems
  • Algorithm- a list of steps that you can follow to finish a task.
  • Debugging- getting rid of flaws in your code/program. Finding an alternate solution to the problem. Correct or improved solution,
  • Hooray
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