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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • October 1954 Anglo-Egyptian Treaty. British troops to be removed from Suez Canal by June 1956. Egypt promises freedom of navigation through the Suez Canal.
  • Damn It!
  • Feb.1955 British PM Eden reneges on promise to supply Nasser with arms Nasser completes purchase of arms from Czechoslovakia. Egypt blocks port of Eilat.
  • Nasser needs arms from Czechoslovakia to destroy Israel. Egypt blockades Eilat in the Gulf of Aqaba
  • In retaliation to Nasser’s perceived relations with the Soviet Union Britain and the USA withdraw from their promise to finance the building of a new dam at Aswan
  • Furious, Nasser nationalises the Suez Canal. Eden saw this as a breach of the Anglo Egyptian Agreement of 1954 and decides on military action. The USA disapproved of such an action.
  • October 1956, Eden met with Mollet, the French PM and Ben-Gurion, the Israeli PM near Paris and made a secret agreement. Israelis to seize the Sinai and advance towards Suez. French and British troops would invade Egypt. 29 October the three forces entered the canal zone.
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